Kimberly's Kakes

Bar Mitzvah
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My young friend Michael asked me if I'd make his Bar Mitzvah cake for his Bar Mitzvah party. Who am I to refuse such a request!?!

He wanted three flavors: chocolate, vanilla, and lemon.


I decided on a simple and clean design. Each cake is smoothly frosted with buttercream, and decorated with Stars of David made of royal icing in colors Michael had chosen for each cake.




Michael is a big chocolate fan, so the largest cake is, of course, chocolate.

He wanted green accents for this cake.




Michael acknowledged that SOME people like vanilla, and may even prefer it to chocolate. He chose blue accents for the vanilla cake. It was filled with vanilla pastry cream, and covered in vanilla buttercream.




Michael also likes my lemon cake. Because the final tier was going to potentially be too small to serve everyone who wanted lemon, I made an additional small lemon cake. As per usual, I overdid it. Michael took the entire small tier home. I understand it made a GREAT breakfast!



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Contact: kimberly@_kimberlyskakes._com
(remove the leading underscores - they were put there to foil spambots)

Copyright Kimberly Jennery, 2007