Kimberly's Kakes

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Little "Ladybug" (not her real name, but the her nickname, and the only name used on the 'net for her) was born nearly three months early on Christmas Day. Her ability to not only survive, but thrive, to see her first birthday was definitely a cause for celebration! She had a joint birthday party with her big sister, who turned 15 just two weeks after she turned one.

The theme for her cake was obvious - Ladybugs!



I used my soccer ball pan for the little ladybug, and a metal mixing bowl for the larger ladybug. I ended up removing a LOT of the puffed up cake from the mixing bowl. That's okay - David likes to eat cake scraps for snacks.




I torted both cakes and filled them with chocolate buttercream.




I covered them both with vanilla buttercream.






One of my kitties, Scampi, always thinks she should be involved, and "helping" with my cake projects. Here she is, peeking over the edge of the table, at the buttercream frosted ladybugs. I think this photo is worth clicking on to see the larger version.



I covered the frosted ladybugs with red fondant, and then made their heads out of black fondant, and attached them.




I made their eyes out of white fondant, and little tiny dots of black. They instantly had personality with eyes!




I used a biscuit cutter to make their smiles.




I rolled out some black fondant, and cut out a few circles for their dots. Somehow I forgot that I'd need at least two dots on EACH side ... so I had to do this again, after this photo.




Ladybugs really do look cuter with their spots!



All done and ready for their closeups!

Contact: kimberly@_kimberlyskakes._com
(remove the leading underscores - they were put there to foil spambots)

Copyright Kimberly Jennery, 2007