Kimberly's Kakes



I found the original recipe in plenty of places on the net, including
  • 16 ounces white mini marshmallows (use a good quality brand)
  • 2 to 5 tablespoons water
  • 2 pounds icing sugar (please use C&H Cane Powdered Sugar for the best results)
  • 1 tsp glycerin or corn syrup (my addition, and optional - but I use it and it helps with elasticity)
  • 1-2 tsp of vanilla extract or other flavoring (my addition to the original recipe)
  • ½ cup Crisco shortening (you will be digging into it so place in a very easily accessed bowl)

Melt marshmallows and 2 tablespoons of water in a microwave or double boiler: Put the bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds, open microwave and stir, back in microwave for 30 seconds more, open microwave and stir again, and continue doing this until melted. It usually takes about 2 ½ minutes total. Place 3/4 of the powdered sugar on the top of the melted marshmallow mix. [I did most of this in the mixer, greasing the bowl and hook first. I also added about a tsp of glycerin, and some vanilla.]

The following is from the original recipe, which makes the fondant by hand. I make the fondant in the Kitchenaid, and then do the final kneading by hand.

Now grease your hands GENEROUSLY - palms, backs and in between fingers, then heavily grease the counter you will be using and dump the bowl of marshmallow/sugar mixture in the middle. (By the way, this recipe is also good for your hands. When I’m done, they are baby soft.)

Start kneading like you would bread dough. You will immediately see why you have greased your hands. If you have children in the room they will either laugh at you or look at you with a questioning expression. You might even hear a muttered, “What are you doing?”

Keep kneading, this stuff is sticky at this stage! Add the rest of the powdered sugar and knead some more. Re-grease your hands and counter when the fondant is sticking. If the mix is tearing easily, it is too dry, so add water (about ½ tablespoon at a time then knead it in). It usually takes me about 8 minutes to get a firm smooth elastic ball so that it will stretch without tearing when you apply it to the cake.

Contact: kimberly@_kimberlyskakes._com
(remove the leading underscores - they were put there to foil spambots)

Copyright Kimberly Jennery, 2007